Monitoring the soil erosion dynamically is an important part in soil erosion research.The studies in China always adopt the quantitative model which were developed abroad, so the shortage is existed in factors selection and commonality of the model, and such studies are also considered less in erosion potentiality. As a result, a concept of erosion degree is proposed in the study, which is a consolidated representation of actual erosion intensity and potential erosion risk. Based on human-land relationship system, the erosion degree were calculated by quantification of multi index, and the spatial and temporal soil erosion degree transition tendency in Changting County, Fujian Provience was analyzed. The results show that characteristics of concentration and contiguous are existed in erosion distribution, the highest erosion degree is existed in central of Changting County, and gradually decay to the surrounding area. On the other wise, although the uncertainty is existed in transition of soil erosion degree, the soil erosion had improved in the passed 30 years, the proportion of safe area in 1975 was 3.87%, and it rose quickly to approximately 56.38% in 2006.In contrast, the decrease rate of extremely dangerous area is less than the other areas, the proportion only reduced from 12.3% in 1975 to 6.66% in 2006.The phenomenon is closely related with the region differences in habitats, economic development and policy orientation. In generally,the result not only certify the suitability in the selection of erosion factors, but also indicted that the erosion degree can characterize the transition tendency of soil erosion.
LIN Chen, ZHOU Sheng-lu, WU Shao-hua
. Evolution of Soil Erosion Degree in 30 Years in Granite Hills, Southeastern of China —A Case Study of Changting County,Fujian[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2011
, 31(10)
: 1235
DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2011.010.1235
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