As an ethnic minority, the migration of Chinese Korean nationality has been for a long period. The formation and characteristics of Chinese Korean migration were analyzed based on Chinese Korean population data using GIS from the mid-19th century to the year 2000. The early migration from their native land to the Northeast China through Tumen River and Yalu River with a large-scale started at the late of the 19th century. Before the People’s Republic of China was founded, Chinese Korean nationality mainly distributed in the Northeast China. Just after liberation, population of them changed little, but increased after the Korean War broke out. Since China’s reform and openning-up, another large-scale Chinese Korean migration moved to South China and distributed all over the China, whose population in the early settlements decreased gradually. The migration of Chinese Korean nationality inevitably led to the population redistribution and the changes of settlements’ scale. Five main settlements formed before 1949, referred to as settlements of Nanman, Beiman, Dongman, Dongbiandao and Guannei. Almost half of the Korean Chinese lived in the Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture since it was founded and the settlements kept stable there. After China’s reform and openning-up, some new Chinese Korean nationality settlements were formed with Beijing, Qingdao, Shanghai, Shenzhen as their centers. Migration of the Chinese Korean nationality and the distribution pattern promoted the coordinated development of population and society of minority migration among cities in China.
ZHANG Hong-Yan, WANG Lei, LIU De-Ying
. Migration and Distribution of Chinese Korean Nationality Since the Beginning of the 19th Century[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2011
, 31(9)
: 1078
DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2011.09.1078
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