Ecogeographical Distribution of Soil Fauna in Pinus koraiensis Mixed Broad-leaved Forest of Changbai Mountains

  • 1. College of Urban and Environmental Science, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin 130024, China;
    2. Jilin Key Laboratory of Animal Resource Conservation and Utilization, Changchun, Jilin 130024, China

Received date: 2010-10-11

  Revised date: 2010-12-29

  Online published: 1997-08-20


The Changbai Mountains, located in the Northeast China (41?23'-42?36'N, 126?55'-128?8'E), are rich in natural resources and have always been concerned by scientists. Soil faunas play crucial roles in forest ecosystem processes such as litter decomposition and nutrient mineralization, and also have effects on soil formation and quality. To understand the ecogeographical distribution of soil faunal community and provide the scientific basis for the conservation of forest ecosystems in Changbai Mountains, community composition, structure and biodiversity of soil fauna were investigated in top, typical and bottom distribution areas of Pinus koraiensis mixed broad-leaved forest of Changbai Mountain in July 2008. The sample area was 50 cm?50 cm for soil macrofauna and 10 cm?10 cm for soil meso-microfauna. Soil macrofauna was picked out by hands. Soil meso-microfauna was extracted by Tullgren funnel. All extracted soil samples were identified to the suborder or family level under a stereoscopic microscope. Soil pH was measured with PHS-3B acidity meter. Soil organic C was determined by K2Cr2O7 oxidation method and total N by Kjeldahl method. Total P was analyzed by using the colorimetric method with molybdenum in sulphuric acid. Total K was determined with flame photometer. A total of 39 groups, 6 124 individuals of soil fauna were obtained and fell into 3 phylum, 6 classes, 17 orders. Oribatida, Actinedida and Isotomidae were the dominant groups. There were 5 common groups, involving Hypogastruridae, Pseudachorutidae, Gamasida, Entomobryidae and Tomoceridae, and 31 rare groups in the collection. Results showed that there was significant difference in the individual numbers of soil fauna between typical and bottom (p<0.05) distribution areas, while group numbers of soil fauna were no significant difference among top, typical and bottom distribution areas of Pinus koraiensis mixed broad-leaved forest. The highest community diversity and evenness of soil fauna was recorded in typical distribution area. Group and individual numbers of soil fauna decreased with the increase of soil layer depth in a vertically distribution, which was significant in top and typical distribution areas. There were greater correlation coefficient among Oribatida, Actinedida, Isotomidae, Hypogastruridae, Gamasida and Pseudachorutidae, and they were all found in three distribution areas at the same time, and individual numbers of them were also more than others. The pH,organic matter, total P, total K and total N of soil had effects on the composition of soil fauna community. The difference in total K, total N, total P and organic matter content were significant in 0-30 cm soil layers among top, typical and bottom distribution areas of Pinus koraiensis mixed broad-leaved forest (p<0.001). Grey relevant analysis showed that total K, total N and organic matter content had more effects on the composition of soil fauna than pH and total P of soil. Environment factors had different effects on the key soil fauna community.

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YIN Xiu-qin, JIANG Yun-feng, TAO yan, AN Jing-chao, XIN Wei-dong . Ecogeographical Distribution of Soil Fauna in Pinus koraiensis Mixed Broad-leaved Forest of Changbai Mountains[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2011 , 31(8) : 935 -940 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2011.08.935


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