The status of regional distribution in cultural industries is conducive to understanding the development level of the cultural industries in this region.Therefore, the cultural industries have attracted more attention from researchers and policy makers in recent years.The L function model is used in this study, which can calculate the cultural industries’concentration of the region.Taking Xi’an City as an example, this study calculates cultural industries’concentration index of 10 districts in Xi’an City.According to the development level of cultural industries in Xi’an City, the authors classify all the districts into three types of areas.They are core area, potential area and dispersion area.After the analysis of Kernel density which is made by ArcGIS, the following conclusions are drawn from this study:Firstly, the number of enterprises in the south of Xi’an City is much more than the north of that.The concentration region is formed by each enterprise itself, not by government.And the spatial distribution of cultural industries is imbalance in Xi’an City.Secondly, the influencing factors of spatial distribution in cultural industries include resources, regional function, supporting institutions and policy.Thirdly, the study on spatial distribution of cultural industries had helped to improve the development level of cultural industries in Xi’an City.Finally, the spatial distribution of cultural industries in Xi’an City has the dynamic changes.
XUE Dong-Qian, LIU Hong, MA Bei-Bei
. Characteristics of Spatial Distribution of Cultural Industries in Urban Area of Xi’an City, China[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2011
, 31(7)
: 775
DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2011.07.775
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