The Evolution Process and Driving Factors of Standard Land Price of Commercial Land in Changchun City, China

  • College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin 130024, China

Received date: 2010-10-24

  Revised date: 2011-04-27

  Online published: 1997-07-20


As a momentous part of the urban land price system of China,standard land price (SLP) is one of the statutory public land price of the Chinese government, and it is also the foundation of land price evaluation in China.SLP is the instructive price for the urban land market.On the one hand, SLP reflects the premium level objectively, on the other hand, it is a basic way to government administration and control urban land market, and it is the basis of the appearance of land assets price and calculation of land assets income.In a process of dynamic change of urban SLP, the rise and spatial change of SLP result from comprehensive effects of economic development and city planning construction.Through calculations, the paper takes the SLP of Changchun City as an example to interpret the rule of evolution process.The thesis has first analyzed the dynamic change feature of commercial standard land price by calculation Chain index’eigenvalue in each price level of commercial SLP in Changchun City in 1994-2010.Using exploratory spatial data analysis(ESDA), the paper analyses the street price of commercial land in Changchun City in 2006 and 2010.After the analysis of the basic database structure and trend, the author chooses Kriging method to make interpolating and SLP prediction.The digital model of street price of commercial land in Changchun City in 2006 and 2010 is established based on the basic database of street price of commercial land in Changchun City in 2006 and 2010.According to the above data analysis, the article discusses the spatial pattern change of commercial standard land in Changchun City.The author selects 18 factors of urban SLP in Changchun City according to the actual situation of Changchun City, and using analysis of mathematical model of the principal components analysis.The work fixes the driving factors of commercial SLP of Changchun City.Finally, it gets the disciplines of SLP evolution process.The paper arrives the conclusion that promotion mechanism of economic development, land demand and supply mechanism, planning and guidance mechanism jointly impel and restrict the price and spatial pattern evolution of SLP.The health development of urban economy can obviously promote and improve SLP.And land demand and supply mechanism can drive SLP and restrict SLP spatial pattern.SLP level and the developmental trend are affected by city planning.

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ZHANG Shi-Lei, BI Zhong-De, YANG Zhi-Yi, WANG Shi-Jun . The Evolution Process and Driving Factors of Standard Land Price of Commercial Land in Changchun City, China[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2011 , 31(7) : 823 -828 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2011.07.823


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