Regional economic growth is a complicated dynamic process reflected by two variables of space and time,and quantitative analysis of that process has been always attracting wide attention.On the grounds of the basic concepts and academic thoughts of agricultural location theory,growth pole theory and gradient shift theory,this paper first quantifies the concept of regional economic growth space,then provides one method based on GIS to simulate the spatial and temporal differentiation of regional economic growth,and finally carries out a professional analysis across cities of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei(BTH) Metropolitan Region.Results of the case study are shown as follows: 1) The economic development across different cities in BTH Metropolitan Region decays remarkably with the distance growing from the center of city(which can be seen as the growth pole) to its periphery,and there exist less-developed areas in different growth poles of city.The economic valley zone between the city of Beijing and Baoding is 80-100km to the center of Beijing,and that between Baoding and Shijiazhuang is 80-120km to the city center of Shijiazhuang.2) The characteristics of the spatial and temporal differentiation of economic growth in BTH Metropolitan Region over the 1993-2003 period embodies in the polarized development of the two largest city of Beijing and Tianjin.The pull effect of Beijing and Tianjin as the growth pole of BTH Metropolitan Region to its peripheral cities is comparatively weak except to Tangshan,and the pattern of gradient shift and the structure of gradient evolution in BTH Metropolitan Region have not come into being.3) As predicted,BTH Metropolitan Region would still be in the stage of polarizing growth in the coming 5-10 years,and the characteristics of regional economic differentiation will still embody polarized growth of city.
XU Yong, MA Guoxia, GUO Tengyun
. Simulating Method of Spatial-Temporal Differentiation of Regional Economic Growth:A Case Study of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Metropolitan Region[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2007
, 27(6)
: 749
DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2007.06.749
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