The paper puts forward the skeleton of regional industrial agglomeration,including factors,structure,function,mechanism and laws.The factors include main body,producing,bases,time and space,social culture and institution.The structure has three aspects including producing structure,spatial structure and organizational structure.With the development of industrial agglomeration,city or region will improve the competitiveness and sustainable development.Mechanism of industrial agglomeration has many aspects including factors flowing and location selecting,cost decreasing and benefit driving,knowledge sharing and technique progressing,trade pulling and globe responding,planning force and market force.Under the new backgrounds mechanism of industrial agglomeration in old industrial base should be changed.Function of market in collocating resources should be enforced,enterprises’ management and pattern should be changed and knowledge forces should be enlarged.Regional industrial agglomeration should be in harmony with globalization and nation′s development.Regional industrial agglomeration should harmony with population,resources and environment.Territorial production complex should be improved,and many kinds of models of industrial agglomeration should be fostered.The general law of regional industrial agglomeration embodies on periodicity and the systematics of agglomeration and dispersion.The development of regional industrial agglomeration has the characteristic of dynamics and openness.Study on regional industrial agglomeration is an important aspect of human geography.In China,as a response to globalization and foundation of socialist market economy,it is helpful for reconstruction of an agglomeration,and it is a key problem in studying regional industrialization and urbanization.
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