A geochemical study of geothermal water has been carried out in the Tianshui and its northern-southern area. Geothermal water of Wushan and Tianshui is bicarbonate water of low salinity characterized by pH in 7.94-9.06 and low total dissolved solids (TDS) (226-255 mg/L), which were probably formed by water-rock interaction between meteoric rain, biotite plagioclase gneiss rock and carbonate sediment in reservior. While geothermal water of Tongwei and Qingshui is sulfate water with characteristics of pH in 7.1-8.07 and high total dissolved solids (TDS) (915-1 793 mg/L), which may arised from water-rock interaction between meteoric rain, variscan granite and sinian amphogneiss. The isotopic data show that the origin of thermal water is meteoric water and not severely affected by water-rock isotope exchange. Assessments of various chemical geothermometer applied on the geothermal waters suggested the probable existence of a deep geothermal reservoir of middle-low enthalpy (70-111癈) in the Tianshui and its northern- southern area. The sustainable utilization of the thermal water will be maintained if the total withdrawal rate is relatively small, and an alternative pumping and non-pumping pattern is used in Tianshui and its northern-southern area with mean yearly rainfall of near 500 mm.
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