The influences of sewage discharge on environmental geo-chemical processes of nutrients were investigated in the Changjiang(Yangtze) River estuary in this study.The result indicates that there was obviously enrichment of NH4+-N and TIN in tidal water,tidal surface-sediment pore waters and surface sediments adjacent to sewage outlets in the estuary.The enrichment of nitrogen was considered to be related not only to the inputs of nitrogen from sewage outlets,but also to the changes of environmental factors induced by sewage discharge.In contrast,there was no significant enrichment of NOx-—N in the tidal water,tidal surface-sediment pore waters and surface sediments from the estuary,which showed that external inputs of nutrients was not the primary factor controlling the distribution of NOx-—N.It was also shown that the diffusive fluxes of nitrogen across sediment-water interface was markedly higher at sewage outlets than at the control sampling sites in tidal flats,indicating that sewage discharge not only increased the accumulation of nitrogen in the tidal flat,but also strengthened the exchange process of nitrogen across tidal sediment-water interface.
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