This paper uses a panel data set of 36 cities over the period of 1987-2008 and chooses the stochastic production frontier function on Cobb-Douglas production function to investigate the efficiency of economic growth in Northeast China. Then the temporal and spatial pattern of efficiency of economic growth is examined. The study shows that the average efficiency of economic growth has been low in Northeast China. The contribution of technical progress is rather low while the contribution of capital is high, so its development belongs to extensive economic growth pattern. Overall, the contribution of technical progress rose from 0.525 in 1987 to 0.659 in 2000, while it declined from 0.620 in 2001 to 0.474 in 2008. The spatial pattern of efficiency of economic growth is different in the different historical period. The difference in spatial pattern was not significant in 1987-1990, while it was significant during the Eighth Five-Year Plan Period (1991-1995), the Ninth Five-Year Plan Period (1996-2000), the Tenth Five-Year Plan Period (2001-2005) and the Early Eleventh Five-Year Plan Period (2006-2008), especially most in the Ninth Five-Year Plan Period (1996-2000). On the whole, the value of efficiency is high in large cities, medium in moderate cities and low in small cities. These factors have an important promoting effect on the efficiency of economic growth such as level of opening to the outside world, industrial structure and human capital, while government action causes the inhibition of the efficiency.
YANG Wei, JIN Feng-Jun, WANG Cheng-Jin, DING Jin-Xue
. Efficiency of Economic Growth and Its Spatial and Temporal Pattern in Northeast China[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2011
, 31(5)
: 544
DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2011.05.544
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