As an important part of historical and cultural heritage, ancient town contains plenty of culture meaning, history information, and high landscape aesthetic value, which makes it rare tourism resources, and attracts more and more attention to its tourism development. Along with the rapid development of China's tourism industry and tourism products, the ancient town's tourism grows increasingly. As a common leisure lifestyle, tourism serves as the carrier of historical heritage and culture, and the ancient towns should be reasonablely and effectively used for the tourism development to extend the potential, to build up public brand so as to be the new impetus for rural tourism development. Hengshan Mountain is one of the Five Famous Mountains and the first 5A class tourist attractions in China, and its tourists from domest and foreign are more than 400 million per year. However, under the conditions of the limited area of the scenic area and of Nanyue region, it is necessary to build the Big Nanyue Tourism Circle or Big Tourism Zone of Hengshan Mountain. There are large numbers of ancient towns around the Nanyue mountainous scenery with bright regional characteristics. The scenic area around the town as its resources has a unique feature to attract the tourists, which offers rural tourism development opportunities for the towns surrounding the Hengshan Mountain. So we should get hold of the opportunity to create a special tour for ancient towns in Hunan, to rescue their resources and take environment protection in the tourism development. It is important to develop the ancient towns with ecological and rural leisure products, and explore a new path for the development of rural tourism in the ancient towna.
XIE Li, YANG Zai-Tian
. Rural Tourism Development of Ancient Towns Surrounding Hengshan Mountain Scenic Spots[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2011
, 31(5)
: 627
DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2011.05.627
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