The tourism destination image and perception is one of the hot points in research fields of tourism. The tourism image content is the most attractive point for destinations, and perceived tourism image is a key factor to convert travel motives to decision-making of tourism behavior. There are two systems in the process of regional tourism image building: one is endogenous variable system, and the other is exogenous variables system. Good humanistic factor is very important in the system of exogenous variables, which plays a key role in the process of destination image building including cognitive image, emotional image and overall image, and which has an important impact mechanism. 1) The source of information affects destination image perception. Tourists always response to the effective destination information, and tourism information range is wider, destination tourism image is more easy to be known. 2) The tourism destination management affects destination image recognition, the legal normative and regular management of tourism destination can make a good tourism image for all kinds of tourists, and a bad tourism management can bring a negative tourism image. 3) The cultural barriers affects destination image communication. Tourists have different cultural backgrounds compared with the local people, therefore, the image communication depended on how much cultural barriers existed in the process of travel. The mechanism of cultural barriers to tourism image building is to influence the spread of regional tourism image, if there is great cultural differences between tourists and hosts, the tourism cultural accessibility is small, culture spread and communication opportunity is less, the quality of experience will be not high; 4) The tourism services affect destination image memory. The comfortable tourism services improve the perception quality of tourism image and increase the revisit rate, instead, uncomfortable tourism services reduce the perception quality of destination tourism image. 5) The relationship between the host and tourist affects destination image modulation. A good relationship can optimize the destination tourism image, and a bad relationship can worsen primary destination tourism image.
YAO Zhi-Guo, ZHAO Li-Ming
. Human Factors’ Influence on the Process of Tourism Destination Image Building: A Case Study of Yi County[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2011
, 31(5)
: 634
DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2011.05.634
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