Spatial differentiation of tourism phenomena is a long-time research topic in tourism geography,and spatial structure of tourism industry is its research focus.We noticed,however,most of existing studies pay more attention to spatial differentiation of factors of tourism development related to tourism resources and tourism market.Few of studies focus on the aftereffects of tourism development,namely spatial differentiation of tourism impact.In this paper,taking Sanhe Town,Auhui Province,China,as an example,we make a case study of spatial differentiation of tourism impact in ancient town.Since the local residents’perception and attitude on tourism development are the important indicators of tourism impacts,in this research we use them to measure the spatial differentiation of tourism impact in Sanhe Town.At first,Sanhe Town is divided into three different districts according to its spatial structure and tourism development conditions,which are core district,transitional district and periphery district.We distribute the questionnaire about residents’perception and attitude in the three districts,and take them as basic data for analyzing the spatial differentiation of tourism impact.Findings from this study indicate the existence of spatial differentiation of tourism impact.The spatial differentiation of tourism impact in ancient town manifests its own unique rules.Either the benefit or the cost of tourism development distributes unevenly in the region.The residents in the core area of tourism development obviously have the more intensive perception on tourism impact,which shows its status as key area of tourism development.It is proposed that the differentiation of residential areas resulted from tourism development be fundamental factor leading to spatial differentiation of tourism impact in ancient town.And the way of tourism impact,such as residents’participation degree in tourism development and the length of residence is also important factors contributing to the spatial differentiation of tourism impact in ancient town.The findings of this paper offers valuable reference to make a community-oriented and humanism strategy of sustainable tourism development for the region.
LI Dong-He, ZHANG-Jie, ZHAO Yu-Zong, SHI Chun-Yun,
. Spatial Differentiation of Tourism Impact Based on Residents’Perception and Attitude——A Case Study of Sanhe Town,Anhui Province of China[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2007
, 27(4)
: 602
DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2007.04.602
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