Carbon Storage of Main Vegetation Types of Urban Forest, Chongming Island of China

  • Urban Ecology and Environmental Center, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China

Received date: 2010-07-15

  Revised date: 2010-11-19

  Online published: 2011-04-20


In the context of global change, research on the terrestrial ecosystem carbon cycle has become a big trend. Due to human activities and the impact of urbanization, such native terrestrial ecosystem as Amazon is becoming less and less. On the contrary, such region as Chongming Island which has been seriously affected by human activities is getting more and more. In this study, the carbon storage of vegetation types in Chongming Island was studied based on an method combining field sampling survey and laboratory simulation. Firstly, stratified sampling method was used and randomly picked 234 sample plots with vegetation in Chongming Island; Secondly, biotic parameters (e.g. diameter at breast height DBH, tree height, etc.) were investigated; Thirdly, the improved volume-derived biomass method was used to calculate the carbon storage of main vegetation types. The results showed that: 1) In Chongming island, the carbon storage among different forest type was different, coniferous forests (e.g., M. glyptostroboides, C. fortunei, and P. thunbergii) had the higher carbon storage compared with the broadleaved forests (e.g., C. camphora).2) The disparity of carbon storage in spatial distribution existed in Chongming Island, and vegetation carbon storage is mainly distributed in the river banks, both sides of roads, and residential areas. 3) The carbon storage of the main vegetation in Chongming Island is 491 212.16 mg, and mean vegetation carbon density is 18.70 mg/ha. And 4) the future work in this study area was explored based on this study results. Not only does this study provide a scientific method in studing peri-urban forest vegetation carbon issues, but also scientific data for building Chongming eco-island and managing "zero carbon emission" city.

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WANG Rui-jing, ZHAO Min, GAO Jun . Carbon Storage of Main Vegetation Types of Urban Forest, Chongming Island of China[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2011 , 31(4) : 490 -494 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2011.04.490


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