Along with the highly speedy urbanization and the industrialization in China,the contradiction between economic growth and ecological protection is more evident than ever before.The disordered land utilization has led to land overuse and natural ecological destruction.However,the regionalization of potential land use is a useful path to provide the scientific groundwork and guide of land exploitation and protection,i.e.,some areas shine in exploitation of industrialization and urbanization while others may need agricultural and ecological conservation.According to the technical route from factor layer,to relationship layer,to logic layer and finally to application layer,the method of regionalization,such as how to choose and analyse the ecological and economic factors and how to integrate the ecological and economic significant value by the method of classification matrix,has been discussed.After that,Jiangsu Province has been taken as a case for the regionalizaion of potential land use.Taking the counties and cities as the basic evaluating unites to apply the evaluation of ecological and economic significant value,Jiangsu Province is divided into feasible development area,limitary development area,moderate conservation area,prohibited exploiting area and elasticity gray area by the methods mentioned above,and then the spatial development direction and the management demand for each area has been advanced.That is a very important base for leading the order of spatial development and controlling the regional space.
CHEN Wen, SUN Wei, DUAN Xue-Jun, CHEN Jiang-Long
. Regionalization of Potential Land Use in Jiangsu Province Under Eco-economic Approach[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2007
, 27(3)
: 312
DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2007.03.312
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