The character of Land Surface Temperatures(LST) associated with urban land use type and land use pattern are discussed in Shanghai,China by using the data collected by the Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus(ETM+) remote sensing system.Mean LST values associated with different land use types are significantly different.Multiple comparisons of mean LST values associated with pairings of each land use type are also shown to be significantly different.Then an analysis was performed about the relationship between LST and Shannon Diversity Index(SHDI) of urban land use types,which shows a positive correlation between LST and SHDI.According to the above results,LST,SHDI can be considered to be basic indices to study urban ecological environment and to contribute to further validation of the applicability of relatively low cost,moderate spatial resolution satellite imagery in evaluating environmental impacts of urban land function zoning,then to examine the impact of urban land use on the urban environment in Shanghai City.And this provides an effective tool in evaluating environmental influences of zoning in urban ecosystems with remote sensing and spatial analysis of geographic information system.
YUE Wen-Ze, XU Li-Hua
. Thermal Environment Effect of Urban Land Use Type and Pattern——A Case Study of Central Area of Shanghai City[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2007
, 27(2)
: 243
DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2007.02.243
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