On the basis of analysis of domestic and international studies on regional economic growth and spatial structure of economic inequality, using a consistent data of GDP per capita and by taking 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities in mainland China as geographical research units, this paper makes a quantitative analysis of measuring the characteristics of regional economic inequality in China since the economic reforms and opening up of 1978. The result shows that the regional economic inequality has been enlarging with the regional economic increase. Using a regional separation index recently developed measures based on inequality decompositions, the paper makes a quantitative analysis of the relationship between regional economic increase and its inequality evolution in China. The general conclusion is that the continuous growth of diverges among eastern, central and western China and the continuous growth of converges between northern and southern regions, which is in some responses to national increase in China.
OU Xiang-Jun, SHEN Zheng-Ping, WANG Rong-Cheng
. Spatial Structure Evolution of Regional Economic Growth and Its Inequality in China since 1978[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2006
, 26(6)
: 641
DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2006.06.641
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