Based on GIS, cluster analysis, geostatistics and other methods, this research investigated the time serial change, spatial distribution and structure of population in Xinjiang from 1949 to 2007. The result indicated that population in Xinjiang had evident spatio-temporal character and spatial structure. The individuals increased 28.17?104 per year in Xinjiang.The annual increasing speed of population was high up to 6.50%. Population density in North Xinjiang was 46.97% individuals per square kilometers, distinctively higher than South(13.37%) and East Xinjiang(6.37%). Minority ratio differed a lot in different regions. Percentage in the high ration region was 93.94%, whereas only 67.19% and 33.89% in the middle and low ration ragions. Population of defferent counties in Xinjiang had both positive and negative spatial correlation in fractional spatial distribution, and had great spatial variability. However, the spatial self-correlation was strong. The population of Uygur, Han and Kazak nationalities had intense spatial self-correlation. Whereas when the separation distance got longer, the spatial positive correlation weakened, in the mean time negative correlation enhanced. The Uygur affecting distance of spatial self-correlation was 2 110 km, but the distances of Han and Kazak were only 34 km and 125 km.
ZUO Yong-Jun, HE Bing-Yu, LONG Tao
. Population Spatio-temporal Variations and Spatial Structure in Xinjiang from 1949 to 2007[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2011
, 31(3)
: 358
DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2011.03.358
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