As a case study of purple soil on typical slope lands in the Three Gorges Reservoir region, this paper primarily explores trace element contents in purple soil and their changes under the different grades as well as the different land-use types. The result shows that the contents of Fe, Mn, Ni, Zr, Sr and Ti in purple soil in the Three Gorges Reservoir region are higher than the background values of purple soil (A layer) in China and the average value of all the soil (A layer) in Sichuan, that of Mo is very rich, but those of Zn and Pb are lower relatively than the ones of Sichuan and China. Contents of Pb, Cu and Co are decreasing along with grade increase among some grades. By contraries, the contents of Zr and Cr are increasing. The contents of Cu, Pb, Co, Ti, Zr, Ni, Cr, Sr, etc. in purple soil have some correlations with the changes of slope grades. Difference of trace element contents is remarkable between cultivated land and uncultivated land. The man-made activities are primary factors leading to the changes of trace element contents of purple soil in the Three Gorges Reservoir region.
DONG Jie, YANG Da-Yuan, ZHOU Bin, CHEN Ke-Feng, XU Qin-Mian
. Change of Trace Element Contents of Purple Soil in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2006
, 26(5)
: 592
DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2006.05.592
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