Through processing the age data of river terraces in Hexi area since 150 ka B.P., this article discovers that the river terraces formed obviously at seven different periods including 150 ka B.P., 100 ka B.P.,70 ka B.P.,40 ka B.P.,30 ka B.P., 12 ka B.P.and 6 ka B.P. After demonstrated by the correlative tectonic and climatic literature, we hold that the two river terraces formed respectively around 150 ka B.P. and 70 ka B.P. indicate two tectonic uplifts, and the five river terraces formed respectively around 100 ka B.P.,40 ka B.P.,30 ka B.P.,12 ka B.P. and 6 ka B.P. are results of five climatic changes.
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