Huge press to land resources with economic development and land quality degradation and ecological environment deterioration urge to build up the land quality indicators based on"press-state-response" framework, which can reflect distinctly the reasons and results of land quality changes and correspondingly adoptable strategies. By taking Ansai County, Shaanxi Province, in the northern China as an example, land quality indicators based on "press-state-response" framework for soil degradation by water erosion were built up. Press indicators include topography, farmland, population, income and spatial pattern indicators. State indicators include soil erosion, soil fertility and crop yield. Response indicators include land use and policy. The values of land quality indicators were got by the application of GIS, model simulating and statistical analysis. Based on land use map of Ansai County in 1998, the values of press, state and response were got respectively by giving values to different grades of indicators and computing the average. The results showed the press to land in Ansai County came mainly from topography and disturbance of human activities. The land whose slope is more than 25皁ccupied about 47.11% of total land area, while the land of slope less than 5癷s only 4.59%. The proportion of farmland and crop seeding area to whole area is respectively 52.48% and 47.96%,the proportion of cultivation income is also higher, which indicated higher dependence of farmers on land. The average soil erosion is estimated about 6268t/km2 by using USLE model. The soil fertility and crop yield is low, so the state of land quality is also low. Response of Land quality is not active, the evaluation value is only 1.75. This paper also discussed the applicability of indicators in land quality management practice and proposed it is probably one of the most important trend for land quality research to build up the land quality indicators and methods system based on PSR framework, which is supported by "3S"technology combined with field investigation and relative basic geographical information.
GUO Xu-Dong, QIU Yang, LIAN Gang, WANG Jing
. Land Quality Evaluation Indicators at County Scale Based on "Press-State-Response" Framework[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2005
, 25(5)
: 579
DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2005.05.579
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