The Taklimakan Desert highway cuts across the simple barchan and barchan dune chain zone,complex transverse dune ridges zone and complex longitudinal megadune zone. Based on a natural year observation data of three meteorological stations (Xiaotang, Mancan and Tazhong) along the Taklimakan Desert highway, we analyzed the blown sand activities that were characterized by intensity of sand driving wind and intensity of sand transport. We select all the winds with velocity greater than the threshold velocity at the standard height of meteorological station as the study winds. We count the frequencies and directions of different level winds by 16 directions and calculate the sand transport according to Bagnold formula of Q=5.2?10-4(V-Vt)3. The study results show that blown sand disaster causing winds come from the north-east (NNE,NE,ENE,E) and their frequencies ranging from 48% to 76%. On time distribution, the blown sand activities were concentrated in spring and summer, especially during the period of April to August. On the spatial distribution, the intensity of blown sand activities were trending stronger from the edge to center of the Taklimakan Desert. The sand transport can reach 6309.5 kg/(m·a) and resultant drift direction is 230?-234癮t the center of the Taklimakan Desert. So we draw a conclusion that the defending measures must be enhanced in the interior desert.
HAN Zhi-Wen, WANG Tao, DONG Zhi-Bao, WU Qi-Jun, YAO Zheng-Yi
. Spatial-temporal Distribution of Blown Sand Activities Along Taklimakan Desert Highway[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2005
, 25(4)
: 455
DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2005.04.455
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