Advances in Researches on the Theories and Methods of Eco-Environmental Water Demand

  • College of Environment and Resources, Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin 130026

Received date: 2004-12-04

  Revised date: 2005-03-28

  Online published: 2005-05-20


Eco-environmental water demand is one of global foci research subjects in environmental related field, which has an inter-relationship with ecology, hydrology, environmental science etc. This paper discusses the current research status and future study on eco-environmental water demand, analyses the intention, concept, sort and character of eco-environmental water demand, and studies the calculation theory and methods. On the basis of above analyses, some question about current study on eco-environmental water demand are put forward for reasonable water allocation and sustainable development.

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TANG Jie, SHE Xiao-Yun, LIN Nian-Feng, MA Su-Ting . Advances in Researches on the Theories and Methods of Eco-Environmental Water Demand[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2005 , 25(3) : 367 -373 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2005.03.367


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