Based on field investigation, we find that the rivers generally developed 5-6 terraces in the east Qilian Mountains during the Quaternary.According to the ESR (Electron spin resonance), TL (Luminescence), IRSL (Infra-red stimulated luminescence) and 14C dating methods, the ages of the Jinta River terraces are 1.24 Ma B.P.(T5), 0.78 MaB.P.(T4), 0.14 Ma B.P.(T3), 0.06 Ma B.P.(T2), and 0.01 Ma B.P.(T1)from up to down.The Xiying River developed 6 terraces near the Xiying Reservoir, some ages are 0.84 Ma B.P.(T6), 0.25 Ma B.P.(T4), 0.14 Ma B.P.(T3), 0.06 Ma B.P.(T2).These terrace sequences can be roughly correlated with the stepped landforms found in upstream Yellow River and Yangtze River watersheds.After careful analyses on the ages of gravel bed accumulations and the ages of channel down-cuttings, we propose that climate variations play significant roles in controlling river terrace evolutions even within the tectonic active regions.
GAO Hong-Shan, PAN Bao-Tian, WU Guang-Jian, LI Ji-Jun LI Bing-Yuan, DOUGLAS Burbank, YE Yu-Guang
. Age and Genesis of Alluvial Terraces in East Qilian Mountains[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2005
, 25(2)
: 197
DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2005.02.197
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