Theoretical Basis of Holistic Landscape Ecology

  • College of Environment & Planning, Henan University, Kaifeng, Henan 475001

Received date: 2004-03-20

  Revised date: 2004-09-02

  Online published: 2005-01-20


The central concept of holistic landscape ecology is the "Total Human Ecosystem". It is in the highest level of co-evolutionary complexity in the global ecological hierarchy with solar energy powered biosphere and fossil energy powered techno-sphere landscapes. By utilizing new insights in self-organization,Holistic landscape ecology could contribute to their structural and functional integration into a coherent sustainable ecosphere and there by to the establishment of a sustainable balance between attractive and productive biosphere landscapes and healthy and livable techno-sphere landscapes for this and future generation. On basis of the historical background of holistic landscape ecology formation and its development trend, the paper discussed the basic theories of holistic landscape ecology, such as general systemitic theory, cybernetics and sustainable theory, self-organization theory, co-evolution theory, general systems and hierarchy theory, interaction systems theory and implicate order theory ect. General systematics theory consider that,a system is always more than sum of its elements due to some relations, and it include some new emergent properties that each elements do not have. Cybernetics and sustainable theory consider that, feedback control can adjust culture in the whole nature and human, and can control and establish a stable mechanism, and through structure and function of biosphere and techno-sphere holistic, forming a sustainable biosphere. Self-organization theory consider that systems on a relatively high organization level that can renew, repair and replicate themselves as networks of interrelated component-producing processes in which the network is created and recreated in a flow of matter and energy are called autopioetic systems. The synergetic systems include landscape wholeness and hierarchy principle, landscape antagonism principle, landscape instability or multistability principle, landscape selection principle. Landscapes should be treated as a special case of mixed natural and cultural medium-number interaction systems, in this system, through the interaction of natural elements and human constructions, adaptation of humans and their natural environment in cultural Total Human Ecosystem landscapes created closely co-evolutionary process. Holistic landscape (economy and natural landscape) ecology together with other environmental sciences could promote the urgently needed symbiosis between nature and human society.

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Ding Sheng-Yan . Theoretical Basis of Holistic Landscape Ecology[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2005 , 25(1) : 36 -42 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2005.01.36


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