Being one type of strategic environmental assessment (SEA), policy environmental assessment (policy EA) is to analysis, predict and assess the significance of the potential environmental impacts of policy and its options or alternatives, both negative and active, in a systematic, comprehensive procedure, and then to make sure the results are considered by the policy makers and integrated into decision-making process as early as possible. Being in the higher hierarchy of decision-making, and because of the complexity and uncertainty of the proposed policies, policy EA are falling behind that of program and planning EA both in the academic researches and practices. The effective, systematic and universal methodology to policy SEA is still not formed, which is the main obstacle for its application in practice. In this study, the environmental assessment of land-use policy in Jilin Province is navigated using the possible changes of ecological service values as criteria. The ecological service values were considered to be the combined, quantitative exhibition of the conditions of ecosystem. The changes of ecological service values can reflect the impacts of land-use policy execution. It is shown that the land-use policy of Jilin Province proposed during the process of constructing ecological province is generally rational from the environmental and natural resources preservation perspectives, while the common land expansion should be controlled strictly. It is significant to apply the ecological services evaluation theory to quantitative policy SEA methods in the further studies.
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