It is one of the new important fields of studies on land science that optimal allocation of land use is being researched. Especially, there are a lot of problems in mountainous region, such as vulnerability of eco-environment and severity of the man-made question. Thus, there is important theoretical significance and practical value in study on the optimal allocation of the mountainous land use if on the basis of systemic analysis of the structure, function and the spatial patterns of regional land type with the landscape ecology theory and the norms of sustainable development as the guides. Structural patterns of land type are regarded as the relation both contrast of quality and quantity and spatial composition of land type in appointed area. Analyzing the structural pattern can be veneficial to reveal the heterogeneity and order laws of structure and function of land type, thus, these theoretical principles can provide us scientific basis to know roundly the ecological characteristics and succession disciplinarian of land type groups, and conduct scientifically the practice of land use allocation. In this paper, taking Qinling north slope of Shaanxi Province as an example, the structural multiclass, functional multivariate and spatial arrangement of the land type patterns are put forward based on the systematic analysis of the spatial, quantitative and qualitative structure of land types. Finally, the designs of optimal allocation models in mountainous land use have been finished, namely regional model in macrostructure, industry model in mid-scope and micro management model. The optimal allocation scheme of land use, whose essences is the optimization of structure and layout of industrial land used in the mid-scale, is one of the reification form of allocation models of land use and it has better applicability and operability in land use practice. However, the optimal scheme will be carried into execution not only brought into the regional general plan of land use and other expert plan, but also connected with the economic and social factors including the inputs of fund, technology and labor and the change of ethical ideas in the optimal allocation process of land use.
LIU Yan-sui
. Structural Pattern of Mountain Land Types and Optimal Allocation of Land Use[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 1999
, 19(6)
: 504
DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.1999.06.504
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