The concept of "digital earth" is raised by Al Gore in January, 1998.Now, it is one of the hot topics in theworld.Digital Earth will play a very important role in many fields in our society.Digital earth is one of researching objects for Earth system science in knowledge-economic times.Digital earth will lead to researching methodrevolution in Earth Science.Due to developments of earth-observing techniques and worldwide data share, theywill reduce traditional geo-science’s field work to a great extent, and bring about the modernization in geosciencestudy."Earth system science" may be truly established at that time.In this paper, the authors simply reviewthe development history of geo-sciences, and analyse relationship between "digital earth" and "Earth system science", and picture good future of Earth system science given by digital Earth.At last we appeal to Chinese government for constructing China’s own digital earth as soon as possible.
Wang Xinyuan, Guo Huadong
, 19(4)
: 344
DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.1999.04.344
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