  • Geography Department of Huizhou University, Huizhou 516015

Received date: 1998-02-14

  Revised date: 1998-12-26

  Online published: 1999-03-20


Huizhou City originated in late part of the Spring and Autumn Perrod, which was set up in the east of Guangdong in the Qin Dynasty, was the ascertainable beginning of Huizhou City. Development of Xizhijiang (a branch of Dongjiang) drainage basin in the period from the Eastern Jin Dynasty to the Southern and Northern Dynasties strengthened the function of Huizhou City. The economy and culture of hinterland of Huizhou City was developing rapidly in the Song Dynasty, and Huizhou had already been a city with rather flourishing handicraft industy and market then. Since the Ming Dynasty, the regional structure of Huizhou City had been differentiating. Due to undeveloped commodity economy, Huizhou was still an administrative local city by 1978. In recent 20 years, especially the latter decade, Huizhou is changing into an industrial city with leading industries of electron, automobile and oil, While its function as the central place of Dongjiang drainage basin and nearby coastland is to be resumed and developed. According to the conclusion drawn from history, the main motive force of sustainable development of Huizhou City will come from industrialization and reconstruction of transportation junction. Great attention should be paid promptly to the transportation problem.

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Li Cun . THE ORIGIN AND DEVELOPMENT OF HUIZHOU CITY[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 1999 , 19(2) : 176 -180 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.1999.02.176


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