Geomorphological Effects of Plate Movement During Quaternary in China's Tropics

  • 1. Guangzhou Institute of Geography, Guangzhou 510070, China;
    2. Guangdong Business College, Guangzhou 510320

Received date: 2003-07-21

  Revised date: 2003-12-18

  Online published: 2004-05-20


The eastern and westwern fronts of plate movement in Taiwan Island and Tibetan Plateau respectively are the sources of tectonic force for a series of tectonism and morphogenesis in China's tropics. Seven examples of geomorphological effects of plate movement are enumerated to discuss the differentiation of tectonic landforms in space and time during Quaternary.The dynamic source western front is stronger than that of eastern, for example the length of collision zone in western reachs 2 000km but only 200km in eastern and the width of seismic zone is 800~1 800km in western but only 350km in eastern. The more near by sources of tectonic force is, the more obvious will be the geomorphological effects of plate movement. For example the Yushan Mountain of Taiwan Island has the highest peak in the islands of the western Pacific Ocean. The emergence rate of central mountains in Taiwan occupies the first place in the world. The shape of Taiwan Island became curved to continent rather than to ocean as a unique example in island arc system of western Pacific Ocean. In western tropics the deep fracture valleys of Hengduan Mountain are very famous. There are 1 000 or more fault basins with thickness of 100-600m of the Quaternary in Yunnan Plateau. The tectonic movement tends to be more active since the Middle Pleistocene. For example the gravel layers were deposited extensively at that time. The river terraces with multi-level are mostly formed since the Middle Pleistocene. The most active stage of volcanism also occurred during Middle Pleistocene. The zone neat by 110癊 can be regarded as the juncture of western and eastern tectonic force. Because here the common apex of three ranges of arc-shape mountains curved southwards,the most extensive distribution of the Quaternary basalts in China,and the transform zone of crustal deformation can be seen.

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HUANG Zhen-Guo, ZHANG Wei-Qiang . Geomorphological Effects of Plate Movement During Quaternary in China's Tropics[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2004 , 24(3) : 286 -291 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2004.03.286


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