RESPONSES OF GLACIER AND GLACIAL RUNOFF TO CLIMATIC CHANGE——A model in simulating the Glacier No.1 in headwaters of the Urumqi River

  • Lanzhou Institute of Glaciology and Geocryology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000

Received date: 1995-10-26

  Revised date: 1995-11-25

  Online published: 1997-01-20


This paper presents a model that simulates processes on responses of Glacier No.1 in headwaters of the Urumqi River to various future climatic scenarios with a glacier dynamic model. The results indicate that the Glacier No.1 in headwaters of the Urumqi River will continue to retreat if current climatic conditions prevail, until it reaches a steady state of 1600 m in length after 700 to 800 years. If the air temperature were to rise 1℃, the glacier would degenerate and become a hanging glacier with a length of 300 m after 700 to 800 years. Due to glacier degeneration, cooling function of the glacier would decrease so that the increase of the air temperature in glaciated area would be higher than that in non glaciated areas. The current glacier runoff is in higher value in comparison with the runoff in the equilibrium state under the current climatic conditions. If the air temperature would continue to rise, hovewer, the runoff of the glacier would still increase and reach a new peak but after then decrease rapidly.

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Ye Baisheng, Chen Kegong, Shi Yafeng . RESPONSES OF GLACIER AND GLACIAL RUNOFF TO CLIMATIC CHANGE——A model in simulating the Glacier No.1 in headwaters of the Urumqi River[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 1997 , 17(1) : 32 -40 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.1997.01.32


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