Wetland as distinctive ecosystem on the earth is different from the other ecosystems, has various types and is distributed extensively on the earth. It has an important role in improving environment and reducing and harboring flood, moreover, can provide various natural resources for human and protect biodiversity. Wetland ecosystem has various important service benefits as follows: (1) It has the ecological service benefit of modulating climate and water regime; moreover, it is favorable to prevent flooding. (2) It has an important function of providing habit and reproduction place for waterfowls. (3) There are abundant biodiversities, including gene, species and ecosystem diversity. (4) It has capacity to degrade and enrich contaminations and improve environment, such as purifying sewage, and decontaminating heavy metal irons, fixing CO2. (5) It is capable to produce materials for human being, e.g., fishes, timber, foods, medicines, and various raw materials for industry. (6) There are various tourism resources, especially waterfall, fresh spring, diving, surfing and boating. However, there are some unilateral ideas and non-reasonable utilization for wetland, some problems for the sustainable utilization of service benefit of wetland ecosystem is discussed, and the strategies for wetland sustainable utilization are presented, which are (1) comprehensively understanding the ecological and environment service benefits and reasonably using its ecological and environment service benefits, (2) reasonably dealing with the balance relationship between direct and indirect service benefits so as to improve the utilization efficiency of service benefits of wetland ecosystem and (3) seeking optimal developing model for the comprehensive economic service benefits of wetland ecosystem in order to get much more economic benefit, respectively.
. Service Benefits of Wetland Ecosystem and Its Sustainable Utilization[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2003
, 23(6)
: 674
DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2003.06.674
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