Foundation and Application of Digital Information System on the Agricultural Eco-environment System

  • College of Environment and Resources, Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin 130026

Received date: 2002-12-17

  Revised date: 2003-03-10

  Online published: 2003-09-20


This paper discusses the gravity of agricultural eco-environment problems and tremendous potential of developing the agro-pastoral in the northern China.From the point of system the agricultural eco-environment conceptual model and index system have been set up, which includes the sub-system of climate, water,land, living things and social environment.Every sub-system has many environmental factors respectively.An agricultural eco-environment digital information system has been set up based on 3S and EIS-GIS integration system,using the digital information technology.It is a hiberarchy conceptual model of multiple layers, which has 7 layers of A-G layer.With the help of the system, the environment imitation can be fulfilled, and the problems of evaluation, forecast, precaution, program, decision management and optimization on the eco-environment can be solved.Coupling the agricultural eco-environment digital information system with GIS the system will have strong functions of the spatial management of data and environment imitation and realize the agricultural eco-environment study with information, digitization, model and visualization.We take the western Songnen Plain as an example to make the soil alkalinized desertification evaluation and precaution, and use the SD (system dynamic) model to make the optimization about ecological environment remediation and comprehensive development decision.By the means of the user interface we may have the search and consultation.The knowledge and information in the system can be enlarged, modified and renewed.As well as the system structure can be adjusted and system function can be developed.Thus, the agricultural eco-environmental digital information system has extensive foreground of development and application.

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LIN Nian-Feng, TANG Jie, BIAN Jian-Min . Foundation and Application of Digital Information System on the Agricultural Eco-environment System[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2003 , 23(5) : 597 -603 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2003.05.597


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