Landscape Spatial Structure of Various Landform Type Areas in Yiluo River Basin:A Case Study of Luoning County

  • College of Environment & Planning, Henan University, Kaifeng, Henan 475001

Received date: 2002-11-10

  Revised date: 2003-01-20

  Online published: 2003-09-20


The patch density, edge density, fractal dimension of patches, landscape diversity, landscape dominance and fragment index were caculated by models and GIS to analyze spatial distribution and spatial structure of landscape types in Yiluo River basin.In the study, spatial database consists of land use/land cover which comes from topography map (1975, 1:50000) and TM images, field investigation and interpreted landsat imagine.Classification and imagine description of various land covers were gained by compounding these data.Although training location was afforded to help classify in field mapping, land modification was not performed in order to identify classification accuracy.The processing of remote sensing data is to use ERDAS and ARC/INFO software.In order to study the relation between the structure of landscape and human activities, the characteristics of landscape structure in Luoning County were analyzed using landscape property index above.Based on analyses above, some conclusions are drawn as follows:(1) In Luoning County, spatial pattern mainly consists of big patches and main body landscape were desolate hills, grass slope, arable land in the slope, and deciduous broad-leaved forest.(2) Influences of human activities on landscape dominance were very obvious.With human activities intensifying, landscape dominance of human landscape or physical landscape affected by human activities increases, for instances, landscape dominance of desolate hills, grass slope and arable land in the slope was 67.99%, which are distributed in low-mountains and hills to plains.(3) It was obvious that human activities affected landscape fragment in various landscape type areas, and the more intense the human activities, the more higher the landscape fragment.From plateau form and hills and low-mountains to mid-mountains, the fragmental index of patches changed from 0.4378, 0.3225 to 0.0190, which showed that the intensity of human activities decreases.TM image resolution may make fragmental index lower in the plains, which are seriously affected by people than that in the plateau form and hills.(4) Because of special landform type and the influences of human activities, the mean patch fractal dimension and landscape diversity represents the pattern of undulance.(5) Using GIS to compare special characteristics of landscape structure of various landform type areas was a feasible method and technique.At the same time, GIS has a better conjunction with RS and can abstract and renew regional information quickly, which can help better to study landscape spatial structure in a region, so they have a beautiful future in studying this problem.

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QIAN Le-Xiang, Ding Sheng-Yan, XU Shu-Ming . Landscape Spatial Structure of Various Landform Type Areas in Yiluo River Basin:A Case Study of Luoning County[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2003 , 23(5) : 604 -611 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2003.05.604


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