  • Changchun Institute of Geography, Academia Sinica, Changchun 130021

Received date: 1993-03-01

  Online published: 1993-07-20


Based on the present literature at home and abroad and the data of observing atmospheric carbon dioxide near the surface of the marsh in the Sanjiang Plain,the carbon dioxide concentration fluctuates obviously.Oceans have ability to absorb,store and transfer atmospheric carbon dioxide.The carbon budget between the ocean and the atmosphere would be approximately unbalanced.The major sink for atmospheric carbon dioxide is the ocean,forest and marsh.Plants transfer atmospheric carbon dioxide and water into organic matter by photosynthesis.The respiration and the decomposition of animals and plants emit carbon dioxide into atmosphere.There are clear daily and yearly changes of carbon dioxide concentration in the ecosystems. M.H.calculated the change of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration from Cambrian period.Because of the increase of burning fossil fuels,atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration raised 25 percent than before the industry revolution,which affects global climatic and environmental changes.It is essential to legislate to control the increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide.

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Ma Xuehui, Lü Xianguo, Yang Qing . CHARACTERISTICS OF CARBON DIOXIDE CONCENTRATION IN SOME ECOSYSTEMS AND ATMOSPHERE[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 1993 , 13(4) : 353 -361,392 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.1993.04.353


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