Based on the land-use map of Yulin prepared in 1986 and 1995, the conversion matrix of land-use change from the 1980s to the 1990s is acquired by using Geographic Information System (GIS). Then, the characteristics of land use/cover change in the corresponding period in Yulin Prefecture are further discussed with the help of statistic data. The results indicate that the range of land use/cover change was great and most land-use type went to the same direction. In detail, compared with the rapidly increasing area of woodland/grassland, the gross area of farmland and the others were decreasing, but the farmland quality in some areas was improved. On regional scale, the notable decrease of farmland and increase of woodland in the southern loess hilly region showed a striking contrast with the slightly rise of farmland and rapidly increase of grassland in the northwest sandy area, which was in accordance with the regional environmental characteristics and the land policy "returning farmland to woodland/grassland". And the main driving forces of land-use change are population growth, population ratio between peasant and citizen, and annual income of local farmers. Additionally, the land-use policy and the public awareness on environmental protection also play an important role in land use/cover change.
SHI Ji-An, CHEN Li-Ding, SHI Jun-Tong, FU Bo-Jie, ZHANG Shu-Rong
. Regional Characteristics and Driving Mechanism of Land use/Cover Change in Yulin Prefecture, Shaanxi[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2003
, 23(4)
: 493
DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2003.04.493
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