Thinking on Ethics-Geographic Research of International Traffic Corridor of Tumen River Area

  • Department of Geography, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin 130024

Online published: 2003-03-20


We can find a different situation of our geography sciences and the situation abroad. There are several sciences schools in West geographies,e.g. radicals geography, Marxism geography. The symbol of the school is its subject of study—to criticize the political and economic contradictions of West capitalism system. It is obvious that these are radicals ethics issues. Chinese people, including our Chinese geographers, always pay much attentions to morals and the ethics because of our cultural tradition of Confusion School in a very much long historical time. We, as Chinese geographers, have to seriously answer on the questions of ethics. The paper points out that there are three kinds of ethics questions which geographers often meet. The first one is personal behavior,means the geographer as a private scientist, whether or not his behavior is in pace of ethic and moral. The second is the ethic think about the subject which geography studies on(e.g. the view point of "deep ecology", the interaction of the human society and the nature, the moral code of the natural environment, and so on). The third is geographers'(as a social group) ethics codes of scientific behavior. The most important view point is about the positive connection between our Chinese geographers scientific behavior and the demand, the decision behavior of the governments. The positivity is decided by cultural education and the social system which decide our scientific work being the service for the decisions of governments thereby. It is the ethics we must defer to. We practice these codes in study of international traffic corridors construction of Tumen River Area. The construction is a kind of typical behavior of government of China, either the other countries concerned. There are three periods of the construction term. The goal or we can call "the demand of the government of China and the international society" of the start period was a hot one. Then, about 5 years later, it became "cold". Since the 21st century it is hot again. The change is the reflection of the change of economic situation of China and the situation of internatianal cooperation. So,the code of geographic work and the scientific principle were different in pace of the subject of interests of government in different periods of construction. The key view point is, when the interest of government is the social or we call it "the public interest" —being the strategic interest of a enough long term and enough wide space, the change of geographic scientific behavior is correct, and in according with our ethics and moral codes. The last view point is, we can not stress alone the scientific impartial of geographers. To understand the government which we must work for,to help and to guide the direction of their decision behavior is our duty and our ethics code. We believe that the geographic sciences have the capacity to make big improvements of decisions of government, along with the achievements, we can practice our ethics and morals codes.

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DING Si-Bao . Thinking on Ethics-Geographic Research of International Traffic Corridor of Tumen River Area[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2003 , 23(2) : 164 -168 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2003.02.164


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