The Interpretation of Calligraphy Landscape in Cultural Geography

  • Center for Urban and Regional Studies, Zhongshan University, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510275

Received date: 2001-11-04

  Revised date: 2001-12-26

  Online published: 2002-11-20


A new branch of cultural geography, calligraphy geography is a new science which studies the possible phenomena related with geography and calligraphy on the surface. Generally, there is much identifiable subject matter that belongs to calligraphy geography, in which calligraphy landscape is one of the most important landscapes. The paper discusses the definition of calligraphy landscape, which refers to a special cultural form on the surface due to the interaction between the calligraphy and geography that is created by calligraphic action. At this point an attempt can be made to classify calligraphy landscapes. It is a complex of natural and human landscapes, which is consisted of the seeable element, perceptible element and atmosphere in it. In this point, the seeable element refers to those materials being seen such as colors and shapes, for example, calligraphy stele, stone tablets, couplets written etc., they can be touched while we appreciate the calligraphy art. Perceptible element refers to those non-materials that can't be touched such as the ideology, custom, morality etc, it is also called "atmosphere".

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WU Hui-Ping, SITU Shang-Ji . The Interpretation of Calligraphy Landscape in Cultural Geography[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2002 , 22(6) : 757 -762 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2002.06.757


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