Water samples were taken from May 1999 to Oct.2000 and land use investigation was carried out in Aug. 2000 in Yuqiao Reservior watershed. Using the functions of space overlapping and graph computing of GIS, related data was collected to analyze temporal and spatial characteristics of non-point source N in surface water of the study area. The results indicate that the peak value of NH4+-N appears in the low-water period while the peak value of NO3--N displays in the high-water period; On spatial, peak value of NH4+-N appears in the central plain area followed by the southern rolling area and northern mountain area, but the diversification of the content of NO3--N in the surface water of the watersheds does not have regular rules. Topography, land use, land cover, human activities and the influencing factors of nitrifcation and denitrification were considered in each region (northern mountain area, central plain area and southern rolling area) of the study area to explain the variance of NH4+-N and NO3--N, and proposal about sustainable watershed development was brought forward as well.
LI Jun-ran, CHEN Li-ding, FU Bo-jie, ZHANG Shu-rong, LI Guang-qing
. Temporal and Spatial Characteristics of Non-point Source N in Surface Water of Yuqiao Reservior Watershed[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2002
, 22(2)
: 238
DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2002.02.238
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