Population Geography is a science studying regularity of geographical population distribution. Geographical population distribution depends on production mode and is controlled by the natural and economic conditions of socity. The science of production relation is the foundation of studing population geography, the theory of regional division of labour is the basis, and geographical environment is the condition.Population geography belongs to the category of social sciences, and is also an independent discipline among geography. As for the research fields of population geography, scholars at home and abroad have different opinions. The author however thinks that population geography should include: a) preface, b) population number,c) population composition, d) population change, e) population migration and f) population policies. Certain countries in the world have over hundred years history in studing population geography, and have published lots of papers and monographs to promote the development of population geography. China also has a long history in studing popualtion problems. The study of population geography has been conducted for over a century. In modern and current journals such as"Orient Journal", "Geography Journal","Acta Geographica Sinica" and so on the papers on, population geography published. Especially "Chinese Population Books" and "Modern China, Volume for Podulation" have opened up a new prospect for population geography. In brief, on the basis of studying popualtion theory and population polocies, population geography should make a further study of population reproduction and population redistribution so as to solve the problem of coordinate development of two production, i.e.the production of material goods and the production of human beings themselves.
Chen Jiqing
, 7(2)
: 187
DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.1987.02.187
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