One of keys related to the existence of GIS is the up-to-date data in its database.Land use and land cover data are the important kind of data in current GIS.The land use and land cover condition often changes due to it is easily affected by the changes of natural condition and the activities of human being.So,the appropriate ways for the data capturing and analyzing are needed.Spaceborne remote sensing,owing to its periodicity,speed,scanning scope and the economic benefit to gain the synthatie information,is becoming the main data source for updating land use and land cover data in the database of GIS. The crux of the updating procedure is to combine the remote sensing system and the GIS by means of the digital image processing system.The accuracies on locating and classifying are considered as the crucial problems in image processing. Author thinks that remote sensing image is a model of a region,which has been compressed in the spatial dimensions and synthesized with its essential factors on surface.So the information from the images evidently has a regional geographic pattern.The GIS just has the basic data and the analysis software for the registration and analysis of the spatial information from remote sensing and other sources.In this paper,author introduces a tentative model experiment on the Dukou regional environment information system after briefly disscusing some related researches at home and abroad.
, 6(1)
: 13
DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.1986.01.13
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