A Comparative Study on Distribution of 7Be and 137Cs in the Surface Soils in the Western Yunnan and the Central Guizhou Provinces

  • 1. Chinese Agricultural Ministry Key Laboratory of Plant Nutrition Research, Institute of Soil and Fertilizer, the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081;
    2. State Key Laboratory of Environmental Geochemistry, Institute of Geochemistry, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guiyang, Guizhou 550002

Received date: 2001-01-05

  Revised date: 2001-06-30

  Online published: 2002-01-20


The analytical results of 7Be and 137Cs activities in the 28 surface soil profiles in the Yunnan Guizhou Plateau have shown that the 7Be/ 137Cs activity ratios on the topsoils reached 100-1000 in the western Yunnan, but only 10-100 for the central Guizhou region. The apparent activities and Maximum penetrative depth of 7Be in the soils of the two regions are totally close. However, 137Cs activities in the surface soils in the central Guizhou are overall a little higher than that in the western Yunnan. The phenomena that 7Be inventories in the soil cores at the most sampling sites in the central Guizhou were relatively low would just reflect the serious soil erosion in the region. 7Be inventories in the soil cores in the western Yunnan obviously differed from that in the central Guizhou, which mainly embodied that the 7Be inventories in the soil cores in the Lake Lugu watershed in Summer Autumn were apparently higher than that in Lake Hongfeng/Baihua watershed and also higher than that in Lake Erhai watershed as well. This could be related to 7Be high precipitation in summer and altitude. To explain the regional differences of 7Be/ 137Cs activity ratio on the topsoils between the western Yunnan and the central Guizhou, the accumulative characteristics of 7Be and 137Cs in the lake sediments should be further understood.

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BAI Zhan-guo, WAN Guo-jiang . A Comparative Study on Distribution of 7Be and 137Cs in the Surface Soils in the Western Yunnan and the Central Guizhou Provinces[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2002 , 22(1) : 43 -48 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2002.01.43


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