  • Institute of Geography, Academia Sinica

Online published: 1985-05-20


In order to study the transmission of Se in soil-plant system,the author collected 62 samples from 11 typically natural soil profiles in different natural zones in China,measured Se content in them and other properties,respectively,analysed the distribution of Se in soil profiles and calculated its enrichment coefficient (EF),and then discussed the correlation of Se content to soil proprties and the origination of Se. Based on EF>1 and the close correlation of Se with I content,it is noted that Se accumulation originated from an external source is absolutely not negligible quantity in the enrichment.Through studing the samples,it is found that there are obviously correlations of Se with organic matter content in soil of disease region and Se with R2O3 content in soil of no-disease region.These factors show that the combined forms of Se in soil of the two kinds of region above are so different that they effect certainly on the"efficiency"of Se and its transmission in soil-plant system.

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Zheng Daxian, Li Ribang, Tan Jianan . A STUDY ON TRANSMISSION OF SELENIUM IN SOIL-PLANT SYSTEM—1.SELENIUM IN SOME NATURAL SOIL IN CHINA[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 1985 , 5(3) : 209 -217 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.1985.03.209


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