Cotton is the leading industrial crop and one of the main fibres used as raw materials in the textile industry in China. Cotton producton has made considerable progress in China since the founding of our People’s Republic,but there are great gaps compared with the developing speed and scale of the cotton textile industry and sharp contradictions between its supply and demand,owing to the developing speed of the cotton production is not fast,the field is not stable and its production level is not high. Among the main reasons for creating the situation mentioned above are the reduction of the cotton acreage,the lacking due to the concentration of area of cotton production,the interregional imbalance in the cotton production due to sharp contradiction between production of food crops and that of cotton,the irrational purchasing price for cotton,and overemphasizing of self-support on local supply for civil purposes.Thus,it results in that some old cotton producing zones find themselves difficult to improve their production techniques,and hence their production management remains backward,the unit output drops remarkably,the total yield stagnates and the cotton production as a whole fails to satisfy the needs of the cotton textile industry and cannot meet the requirements for civil purposes. In China,it has favorable conditions for growing cotton.The middle and lower basins of the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers and southern Xingiang in particular have perfectly suitable natural cnvironments and great potentiality for getting better achievements. Therefore it is necessary to carry out the principles of making full use of what is advantageous,While avoiding what is disadvantageous,and applying measures to suit local condition and concentrating production properly,in order to win greater development of cotton production in China.Expressed in a bit more detail,we must actively develop new cotton producing zones in addition to improve and expand the existing cotton producing zones,and firmly contract the acreage with poor cotton cultivating condltions,in order to solve the problem of interre gional imbalance in cotton production.
Zhu Zhuo
, 2(4)
: 302
DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.1982.04.302