  • 1. Nanjing Institute of Geography, Academia Sinica;
    2. Nanjing Institute of Soil Science, Academia Sinica

Online published: 1981-01-20


A preliminary effort of the systems analysis for soil environmental quality atregional scale has been made on the basis of systems theory and its method.Thepurpose is to reveal the internal relations and interactions of the various factors(natural and artificial)affecting the enviromental quality,and the combined influenceof the factors on environmental quality.Human activities have a great influenceon material circulation,energy transformation and information transfer in theenvironmental systems.Sometimes,the influence of pollutant factors on environmentalquality may be reduced by the action of the purifying factors.The matrix equation for the relation of the environmental quality to its affecting factors is suggested:Z=AC;where Z is the matrix of measured value of the environmental qualityaffecting factors,A is the matrix of weight coefficient of synthetic index,andC is the matrix of scores of synthetic index.Based on the prepared program,the calculation has been accomplished with computer TQ-16.Synthetic analysis ofthe results obtained has been made with reference to the experimental discrimination.Accrding to data,the examined district may be divided into three types of uniformregional pattern:1.BHC pollution,2.lead pollution caused by geochemistryanomaly,and 3.mixed pollution(chrome,lead,BHC).

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Dong Yawen, He Guoyu, Qian Junlong, Quan Lili, Ma Xingfa, Zhang Shuiming . SYSTEMS ANALYSIS OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 1981 , 1(1) : 85 -93 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.1981.01.85


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