Since the 1980s, economic development in China has been remarkably vigorous as a result of the smooth but continued opening and reform and the gradual development of a socialist market economy. Indeed, fast growth has been turbulently transforming the physical, social and economic structure of different regions, leading to increasing regional disparity of development. Issues related to regional disparity have been deeply concerned by both state and local policy-makers, and the whole society as well. At present, the Chinese central government is making great efforts to accelerate the development of the west region, with the hope of smoothing the gap between the west and the east. Regional development and disparity, however, are the result of handful factors, and can not be well understood by the sole policy explanation. Among these factors, geo-factors are fundamental. From the perspective of human-nature relation, geo-factors that effect regional development are the nature part in such a relation and the spatial structure resulted from the interaction between human activities and the nature, including natural conditions, location, endowment of natural resources, eco environment and infrastructures. Compared to economic factors, the geo-factors have a steady and prolonged impact on regional development. This paper analyses the regional features of geo-factors, stresses their functions in regional development and their significant role in policy making, and raises suggestions to future regional policy making based on such a geo-factors analysis.
LU Da-dao, LIU Wei-dong
. Analysis of Geo-factors behind Regional Development and Regional Policy in China[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2000
, (6)
: 487
DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2000.06.487
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