Changes of the Cultivation Norhtern Limit for Horqin Region in the Qing Dynasty

  • 1.Department of Urban and Environment, Peking University, Beijing 100871;
    2. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101

Received date: 2000-05-09

  Revised date: 2000-07-22

  Online published: 2001-05-20


Based on the analysis of the Qing Dynasty polices towards the Inner Mongolian lands and its impacts on the cultivation, and the spatial-temporal characteristics of the organizational system in Horqin region, the cultivation northern limits of Horqin region within different stages in the Qing Dynasty are reconstructed. Analysis indicates that the cultivation northern limit jumped northward twice remarkably in Horqin region in the Qing Dynasty. (1) During the early Qing Dynasty, cultivation still confined in the lower reaches of the Liaohe River, and the "Wicker Frontier Wall" became obviously dividing line between agriculture and animal husbandry. (2) The first leaping of cultivation northern limit occurred within the period from the late 18th Century to the early 20th Century, namely, the period of "Presenting memorial to the Emperor for Cultivation the Inner Mongolian Lands". The northern limit moved northward from the "Wicker Frontier Wall" to Changchun City, Siping City-the southern Aohen and Ongniut counties. As a result, the plain regions of the eastern and southern Horqin region transferred to the transition zone between agriculture and animal husbandry with the animal husbandry as the dominant style. (3) The second leaping of cultivation northern limit happened within approximately decade at the end of the Qing Dynasty. At that time, the Qing Dynasty adopted series of policies by which quantities of population migrated from inland to Inner Mongolia to cultivation. The result was that the cultivation range extended to the hinterland of the Inner Mongolian lands. The cultivation region pushed northward to the lower reaches of the Taoerhe River Valley and both banks of the West Liaohe River. And the cultivation northern limit extended from the Daqing City, across western Baicheng City, northern Tongliao City and Kailu County to Linxi County. Seen from the changes of cultivation northern limit of Horqin region in the Qing Dynasty, it can be concluded that the Qing Dynasty policies towards the Inner Mongolian lands had dominated the direction and amplitude of the change of the northern limit. These policies not only controlled the amount of agricultural population, but also influenced the speed and scale of the agricultural development in the Inner Mongolia, which demonstrated as the appearance and enlargement of migration organizational agencies. In a word, the Qing Dynasty policies concerning the Inner Mongolia were the major driving force for the changes of cultivation northern limit in Horqin region, and were the important human dimensional factor for the formation of modern transition zone between agriculture and animal husbandry.

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WULAN Tu-ya, ZHANG Xue-qin . Changes of the Cultivation Norhtern Limit for Horqin Region in the Qing Dynasty[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2001 , 21(3) : 230 -235 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2001.03.230


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