Characters of Groundwater and Influence on theInterior Salt-affected Soil in the West of Jilin Provience

  • Changchun Institute of Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun Jilin 130021

Received date: 1998-08-10

  Revised date: 2000-03-12

  Online published: 2000-05-20


The salt-affected soil is closely related to groundwater,specially to shallow groundwater with high contains of Na+,HCO3- and larger total mineralization degree in the west of Jilin provience, the upward movement of saline groundwater ant it subsequent evaporation at the suface of the soil adds to the salinization soils.There are different hydrogeologic and geochemical feature in different geomorphic cell affected by Quaternary geology development and Neutecton Movement, the salinization soil types is associated with the different geochemical types of shallow groundwater. The paper analyzed the influence of hydrogeologic and geochemical environment on the soils and the close relationship between salinization soil and shallow table and mineralize degree, and discussed the rate of upward flow relates with the depth to the water table, and the geochemical differentitation in different geomorphic cell,this study offered the quantitative mark between intensity of salinization and water table and mineralization degree.

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SONG Chang-chun, DENG Wei . Characters of Groundwater and Influence on theInterior Salt-affected Soil in the West of Jilin Provience[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2000 , 20(3) : 246 -250 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2000.03.246


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