Based on scale of resources and supply capacity, the support of resources exploitation to economic development, the capacity of resources transforming and sustainable using, this paper build a framework of the sustainable development found on resource development and utilization. Drawing lessons from barometer of sustainability, regional development and its sustainability can be pictured in four types in a three-dimensional coordinate: sustainability, weak sustainability, almost unsustainability and unsustainability. This paper also puts forward evaluation mode and evaluation methodology. Positive analysis of Urumuqi-Changji region through indicator system shows that the sustainability development type in Urumuqi-Changji region is sustainability. Based on the thought of future developing direction of region which takes resources exploitation and utilization as regional foundation, this paper point out the final way to achieve a sustainable development is transforming the dominate capital from the resources to other fields, such as service industry. This paper also puts forward some feasible measures as follows: to standardize the main part of the resources exploitation and using; to develop a circular economy; to guide the resource-based industry to expand suburbanization; to cultivate continuous industry.
YANG Yu, ZHANG Xiao-lei, LEI Jun, DONG Wen
. Sustainable Regional Development Based on Resources Exploitation and Utilization[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2010
, 30(3)
: 363
DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2010.03.363
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