Land surface temperature (LST) is a very important parameter to impact the energy and water exchange between the atmosphere and the territorial system. The technology of thermal infrared (TIR) remote sensing provides a chance to retrieve LST over large portions of the earth surface at different spatial resolutions and periodicities. In this study, the middle part of Province is chosen as the study area. It is the most important crop production area in Jilin Province, and a commodity grain base in China. The land surface temperature is retrieved from Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) by split-window algorithm. The land use/cover is acquired from TM data by human-computer interactive interpretation. Combined with land use/cover and DEM data, the spatial distribution of LST is identified and the relation between NDVI and LST is analyzed in the middle part of Jilin Province. The result shows that: ① the temperature in the north and the west is higher than the south and the east respectively in the study area. It coincides with the local climate. The main reason to result in higher temperature is from landform in the west, and from difference of land use types in the north because the south with forest has much more transpiration than the north with cropland; ② With influence of human activities, difference of land use types result in differences of LST. The quantitative difference is 26.6K between the highest land surface temperature of bare rock and the lowest temperature of lake. There is a negative relation between altitude and LST. The rate of temperature change could be 23.6°C/km as elevation increases; ③ The LST has a negative relation with NDVI in vegetation covered region. The relation between LST and NDVI in urban areas is much more sensitive than that in forest and cropland. For the whole configuration of land use in the study area, the relation between LST and NDVI displays 'trapeziform’. The forest with higher NDVI and lower LST is located in right-down corner of the trapezoid, while the cropland with high NDVI and low LST is distributed in the middle of the trapezoid. Because of different heat capacities, cities covered by impermeable layers lay to the top of trapezoid with lower NDVI and higher LST. The NDVI-LST feature space contains a lot of geo-information, especially in soil moisture monitoring, and drought detection, and more research could be done in the future.
HOU Guang-lei, ZHANG Hong-yan, WANG Ye-qiao, QIAO Zhi-he, ZHANG Zheng-xiang
. Retrieval and Spatial Distribution of Land Surface Temperature in the Middle Part of Jilin Province Based on MODIS Data[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2010
, 30(3)
: 421
DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2010.03.421
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